Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A LOT of Snow

i love the more traditional snow shoes.

i’m not exaggerating when i say there was A LOT of snow yesterday.  i know i'm telling the truth because we had to put on snowshoes to go to the toilet. 

The snow was almost halfway up our door when we woke up, which meant *climbing* out of the yurt, in snowshoes, in order to go to the toilet!

How many steps to the toilet?
Wet feet!  Next time put on snowshoes AND gaters to go to toilet!

i've omitted the image of me peeing.  But i tell you squatting over a bucket full of sawdust, whilst wearing snowshoes & brushing snow from the toilet paper *is** a pretty amusing image!
Antoine rocking the snowy look.

there be icicles on these here prayer flags!
We donned our neon ski suits/all in ones (that some may remember from our 2 idiots in Québec bollywood film!) and went for an epic adventure in the forest. 

We took lots of great photos, but we're attempting to do something different with them.  If it works you'll get to see the results, otherwise i'll post the photos here.
Thought this Canadian yurt looked like a cake, so i added a cherry to it!

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